Livermore Police are cracking down on pedestrian safety all this month.
The Livermore Police Department’s Pedestrian Safety month comes in the wake of a series of car versus pedestrian accidents near Livermore schools.
As part of the crackdown, the department’s Traffic Unit will conduct pedestrian safety operations throughout the city to enforce pedestrians’ right-of-way violations. The next pedestrian operation will take place next week, on Wednesday, October 19th.
Other pedestrians safety measures include the designation of crossing guards to schools with high pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Crossing guards assist students with crossing busy roadways during school hours.
Further, the city has several crosswalk traffic devices throughout the city at locations with high vehicle and pedestrian traffic. The devices are in-ground flashing lights to warn drivers of foot traffic crossing the roadway. LPD encourages pedestrians to use these crosswalks.
LPD defines a pedestrian as any person not in or upon a motor vehicle or other vehicle. A police department news release says on average in the United States, a pedestrian is killed in a traffic crash every 120 minutes, and injured in a traffic crash every 8 minutes. Still, the department adds that Livermore’s pedestrian accident statistics are below the national average.
The Livermore Police Department says drivers and pedestrians have equal responsibilities in the efforts to reduce pedestrian accidents, and it offers the following tips…
Drivers should take extra caution when approaching crosswalks. Look for pedestrians near the crosswalk and prepare to yield when they enter the crosswalk. When driving in a residential area, particularly during the afternoon hours, or near a school zone, scan ahead for pedestrian traffic, especially for children, who may suddenly run out into the roadway. Extra caution should apply in the evening hours.
Pedestrians should always use designated crosswalks when crossing a busy roadway. Assume that the driver can’t see you until you have made eye contact. Once in the crosswalk continue to scan for traffic in each lane of traffic. When in doubt, yield to vehicle traffic. These are basic rules of the road; however pedestrian accidents continue to occur when drivers and/or pedestrians ignore these rules.
When walking in traffic, protect yourself and your family by doing these things:
Walk on the Sidewalk
Stay on the sidewalk and crosswalks. Avoid walking in traffic where there are no sidewalks or crosswalks. If you have to walk on a road that does not have sidewalks, walk facing traffic.
Cross at Intersections
Most people are hit by cars when they cross the road at places other than intersections.
Look left, right, and left for traffic
Stop at the curb and look left, right, and left again for traffic. Stopping at the curb signals drivers that you intend to cross. Cross in marked crosswalks and obey the signal.
See and Be Seen
- Drivers need to see you to avoid you.
- Stay out of the driver’s blind spot.
- Make eye contact with drivers when crossing busy streets.
- Wear bright colors or reflective clothing if you are walking near traffic at night. Carry a flashlight when walking in the dark.
- Do not let kids play near traffic or cross the street by themselves. Kids are small, and drivers may not see them if they run into the street.
Watch your kids
- Children should not cross streets by themselves or be allowed to play or walk near traffic. Kids are small, unpredictable, and cannot judge vehicle distances and speeds.
- When kids get older, teach them these three things to do before they cross the street:
- Try to cross at a corner with a traffic light.
- Stop at the curb.
- Look left, right, and then left again to make sure no cars are coming